The strength of our relationships has a profound impact on our health, happiness, and productivity at work.
Employees in Healthy Marriages
Have far lower rate of high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, violence, and suicide.
Live 4 – 8 years longer
Enjoy higher wealth and economic assets
Have children who fair better emotionally and academically
Are more loyal and stable employees
Source: Life Innovations Study "Marriage and Family Wellness: Corporate America's Business?”

Source: Life Innovations Study "Marriage and Family Wellness: Corporate America's Business?”
Employees in Struggling Relationships
71% say relationship problems at home have negative impact at work
This figure even higher among respondents 35-44 age (81%) and 55+ age (72%)
62% experience increased distraction and reduced productivity
32% feel they are less able to control emotions
Despite this impact, 62% don’t tell employer what is happening
Source: Relationship Breakdown and the Workplace, Howard Kennedy 2020 joint study with the Marriage Foundation, Soulmates Academy + Relationships Foundation
When relationship challenges escalate to divorce, the impact is even greater, causing:
Wasted time on the job
Incomplete workday
Childcare difficulties
Impaired judgment
Decreased productivity

Watch this video to learn more about Forwardly.

Healthy Marriage
Whether your employees are just entering into marriage or celebrating decades together, these expert tips will strengthen any relationship. The Digital Toolkit covers communication best practices, life with kids, healthy conflict, keeping the flame alive, and more. And the 21-Day Boost SMS Challenge offers fun activities, content and advice delivered right to your mobile phone.

Marriage Repair
When a relationship needs to get back on track, this is the place to start with resources on overcoming communication challenges, info on marriage counseling and retreats, and expert advice for tough topics like infidelity, domestic violence, and substance abuse.
This covers the steps before divorce, with a deep dive into how things are affected legally, financially, and emotionally.

Divorce & Post-Divorce
A practical, step by step guide to the divorce process. From finding a lawyer and sharing the news, to organizing paperwork and developing a budget. Includes a legal referral service, divorce scripts for difficult conversations, hands-on tools, and great advice for rebuilding a post-divorce life.
How It Works
Secure and private web-based platform
High quality, on-demand content
Written articles
Downloadable checklists and worksheets
Original videos
Live workshops and webinars
24/7 chat
21-Day Healthy Marriage Boost SMS Challenge
Legal referral service
Communication skills training
Supports diversity and inclusion for all employees with content topics including LGBTQIA, Empty-Nester, Black Divorce, Grey 50+ Divorce, Women Retention in Workforce
Confidential teammate participation

What Forwardly Users Are Saying
I suffer from extreme anxiety. A lot from my marriage and home life, and I also carry it to work with me. It has been wonderful that this is a benefit that our company is now offering us. What a great way to show your team “I'm on your side.”
I am recently engaged and noticed that after going through wedding planning we began to argue more. Having this program to work through our issues has been a life saver for our relationship. We have used the guides to have better communication, we are having meaningful conversations, and overall our relationship has improved.
Forwardly helped save my marriage!
This is very helpful as I’ve recently gone through a tough separation, but we are now back together and it gives me tools to provide a healthier marriage and home life for me, my wife and my children. It shows an employers’ concern for the personal lives of their employees which is very important because it reflects on their work life and performance.
You have been a godsend to me. Way to go for helping people turn something so difficult into caring and strength!
The hybrid approach to work-life is isolating employees more. The conversations that we used to have at the lunch tables are no longer happening. This puts the onus on the employee to do more to get the advice and help they need.
Expert Guidance You Can Trust
PILAR PRINZ is a certified relationship coach and top family lawyer for over 20 years. Her legal career has propelled her into the national media scene as a guest legal expert on CNN, Fox News and other national programs. In 2022 she was voted one of The Best Lawyers in America in the field of Family Law.
Pilar is joined by a stable of contributing experts for Forwardly in the fields of medicine, financial planning, family psychology, couples therapy, human resources, communications, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as real people who have gone through marriage repair and divorce and have valuable lessons to share from their experiences.